doi: 10.56294/sctconf2023334


Category: Education, Teaching, Learning and Assessment




Strategic management and student satisfaction at San Carlos Private University. Puno Peru 2019


La administración estratégica y la satisfaccion estudiantil en la Universidad Privada San Carlos. Puno Peru 2019


Juan Pérez Pérez1 , Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios2 , Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca2 , Julio Wu Matta2 , Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra3 , Fernando Ochoa Paredes2  


1Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno. Perú.

2Universidad Nacional de Cañete. Lima, Perú.

3National Technological University of Lima South. Lima, Perú.


Cite as: Pérez Pérez J, Rios Rios SW, Torres Chumbiauca LE, Wu Matta J, Olivares Zegarra SdlR, Ochoa Paredes F. Strategic management and student satisfaction at San Carlos Private University. Puno Peru 2019. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología – Serie de Conferencias 2023; 2:334.


Submitted: 24-05-2023                   Revised: 25-07-2023                   Accepted: 26-09-2023                   Published: 27-09-2023


Editor: Dr. William Castillo-González   




The article was prepared in order to establish how strategic administration influences student satisfaction at the San Carlos Private University. Ilave. 2019. The reason for carrying out this study was to contribute to the university institution for a better institutional functioning. It was of an explanatory type, its design was non-experimental, cross-sectional, which accumulated the data in a delimited time, it was tended by applying the instruments that are the questionnaires to the students of the university. There was a populatios of 587 students and a sample 238 university students from profesional schools and from various cycles, It was concluded that strategic management influences the satisfaction of students at the San Carlos Private University demonstrating 75,1 % in the verification of the hypothesis.


Keywords: Administration; Strategic; Marketing; Satisfaction; Customer.




El artículo se elaboró con la finalidad de establecer cómo influye la administración estratégica en la satisfacción estudiantil de la Universidad Privada San Carlos. Ilave. 2019. El motivo de la realización de este estudio fue contribuir con la institución universitaria para un mejor funcionamiento institucional. Fue de tipo explicativo, su diseño fue no experimental, transversal, que acumuló los datos en un tiempo delimitado, se tendió aplicando los instrumentos que son los cuestionarios a los estudiantes de la universidad. Se contó con una población de 587 estudiantes y una muestra de 238 universitarios de escuelas profesionales y de varios ciclos, Se concluyó que la gestión estratégica influye en la satisfacción de los estudiantes de la Universidad Privada San Carlos demostrando un 75,1 % en la verificación de la hipótesis.


Palabras clave: Administración; Estratégica; Marketing; Satisfacción; Cliente.





Strategy consists of the competitive measures and business approaches with which managers compete fruitfully, improve performance, and grow the business. Strategists are people who have a great commitment to success or disappointment in an organization.(1) Strategic management is the skill and wisdom of expressing and carrying out multidisciplinary dispositions that help an organization achieve what it proposes.(2) Strategic management is an important tool that occurs in national companies and individuals around the world. The University provides training for future professionals in various professional careers such as accounting, law, nursing, environmental engineering and computer engineering. The research carried out seeks the theoretical application and the basic notions of administration, finding explanations for internal situations (formulation of the mission and vision), and the environment (student satisfaction) that affect the university institution. This research is important, because it will serve as a basis for other future research, to carry out the analysis of these or other variables that serve higher education establishments on the relationship of influence that may arise from strategic administration on student satisfaction.

In the research by Gambetta et al.(3) it is concluded that, if there is a relationship between strategic administration and quality attention to the associates of the Chamber of Commerce of Callao 2018, evidencing a correlation of moderate reliability of 0,556, presenting a significance value (two-sided) 0,000.  On the other hand, Peña et al.(4) ruling that the relationship between strategic management and customer satisfaction of the Real Plaza Huánuco company was determined with a percentage of 90 % based on the use of methods and strategies guiding efforts. of workers towards customer satisfaction. On the other hand, Salas(5) concludes that the relationship that exists between strategic administration and job satisfaction of teachers at the primary and secondary level in the district of Santo Tomas Cutervo 2016, manifests itself positively in 0,332 points with a bilateral significance of 0,001 less than 5 %.

However, Echevarría et al.(6) states that it was possible to establish that strategic planning has a very strong positive correlation of 0,761 with customer satisfaction, demonstrating that there is a relationship between the variables.

Similarly, Alcántara(7) concludes that when performing Spearman’s Rho correlation test it was obtained that p=<0,05 and r=0,838, there being a considerable and very significant positive correlation between competitive strategies and the customer satisfaction.

On the other hand, Guevara state that the value obtained by Spearman’s rho is r=0,709, confirming that there is a relationship between the strategic marketing variables, which is interpreted as a high positive correlation, consequently, it is rejects H0 and accepts Hi, according to what the sig shows. (two-sided)=0,001<0,05.

On the other hand, Zavala(8) concludes that administrative management is related to customer satisfaction in the company Inversiones Plastic Félix E.I.R.L., 2021. It is indicated that the correlation coefficient was 0,677; which indicates a moderate and direct correlation between both variables.

Similarly, Infante(9) states that the level of satisfaction of the administrative personnel interviewed is low (13 %), they mention being fully satisfied with the organization where they work and a significant mass of the population under study (57 % ) mention being moderately satisfied, these indicators are directly related to the results found in the correlations of the measured variables.

On the other hand, Salazar(10) conclude that there is a positive and significant relationship between administrative management and customer satisfaction in a savings and credit cooperative in Lima during the 2019 period and given the value of the correlation coefficient of Pearson =0,490 according to the Pearson decision scale, it can be noted that it presents a moderate correlation, and a significance level of p=0,003 was obtained, which is less than 0,05.

Similarly, Tinco(11) ruling that, with the statistical analysis carried out, the quality of service has a significant relationship with customer satisfaction in the case of the gas distributor “Lidia” in the period 2019-2020.

In the same way, García(12) concludes that the change in scope that led to the increase in areas evaluated by almost 300 % made it necessary to resort to much more specialized tools for the deployment and processing of results, since that from the traditional manual way was unsustainable and generated reprocessing, delays and attrition in personnel.

On the other hand, Nina(13) states that it has been demonstrated with 95 % confidence that the quality of service provided in Electro Sur Este of the Province of Abancay-Apurímac, has a direct influence on the satisfaction of users, tested with the Chi square statistic reaching a p value =0,00 less than the level of significance and the chi calculated 367,438 determining the dependence of both variables.

In the same way, Suarez et al.(14) conclude that administrative management significantly influences customer satisfaction of the footwear company “Valles” SAC., in the El Porvenir district, province of Trujillo, observing that the value of the Pearson coefficient is r=0,869; presenting a high positive correlation and the calculated significance value (0.000) was lower than the formulated one (0,05), showing a significant correlation.

On the other hand, Elasri(15) states that the average score of the level of satisfaction has been quite high, reaching 7,83 points out of 10, a result that demonstrates a general positive assessment by users.

Similarly, Arrieta(16) concludes that the description of the procedures carried out in customer service for the preparation of policy renewals has its critical points and that they are highly sensitive in customer satisfaction since at the intersection of the Information from the different instruments indicates that the brokerage has processes that affect the quality of the service in general.

In the same way, Zaldívar(17) state that the research shows that the current marketing management is being carried out inadequately by 52 %, this is because the management regarding information about the products that are offered, is not the most appropriate on the part of the employees, in addition to this, a problem that is evident is in relation to the prices since they are not the most accessible, where clients often complain about the inappropriate treatment they receive. when making your purchases.

Due to everything previously described in the previous paragraphs, the article’s general objective is to determine how strategic administration influences student satisfaction at the UPSC in Ilave in the Puno region.



Scope or Place of Study

The study was carried out at the facilities of the San Carlos Private University in its branch of Ilave, Puno region.


Descripción de Métodos

The approach used in this research was quantitative because it uses data collection to test hypotheses, based on numerical measurement and statistical analysis, to establish behavioral patterns and test theories.(18)

The scope of the research was explanatory because it aims to establish the causes of the events, occurrences or phenomena that are studied, that is, they are aimed at responding to the cause of the physical or social events and phenomena.(19) It is explanatory or causal because it will be analyzed to what extent the strategic management of the workplace will affect the satisfaction of students at the San Carlos Private University.

The type of research was applied or practical through which the researcher, as a consequence of the study, proposes that this derived knowledge serves to improve effectiveness and efficiency and/or provide concrete solutions to business problems.(20)

The interest of applied research is practical, since its results are immediately used to solve real-world problems.(21)

Designs are research plans and strategies designed to obtain reliable answers to research questions.(22) The research design was non-experimental transactional because it is carried out without the deliberate manipulation of variables and in which the phenomena are only observed in their natural environment and then analyzed and data is collected at a single moment.(22)

The deductive method consists of taking general conclusions to obtain particular explanations.(23) The method that was applied in the research was deductive because it started with the variables, then followed the dimensions, continuing the indicators and the items.

In the UPSC in the Ilave subsidiary, it has 14 administrative workers; and, as for the teachers for each professional school, it has the following number: 10 teachers in the accounting school, 11 in the environmental engineering school, 7 teachers in the law school; and, 9 teachers in the nursing school.

Regarding the students at the San Carlos Private University in the Ilave branch for the 2019-I semester, those who are enrolled in each professional school are the following:


Tabla 1. Population and sample by professional school

Professional school






Environmental engineering









Computer engineering








The demonstration of the hypothesis was carried out using the Spearman statistical test, determining the correlation between the variables “Strategic Administration” and “Student Satisfaction” in the professional schools that the Universidad Privada San Carlos has in its subsidiary Ilave; following the following steps:

Strategic management does not affect student satisfaction at the San Carlos Private University. Fist. 2019.

Alternate Hypothesis; Ha: Strategic administration affects student satisfaction at the San Carlos Private University. Fist. 2019.

Level of significance: If it is found that the degree of bilateral significance (p-value) is less than (<0.05), the alternative hypothesis will be accepted; If it is greater than (>0.05), the null hypothesis will be accepted.


Tabla 2. Correlación Rho de Spearman




Rho de Spearman


Coeficiente de correlación



Sig. (bilateral)







Coeficiente de correlación



Sig. (bilateral)






**. La correlación es significativa en el nivel 0,01 (bilateral).


It is evident that p-value, being 0.000<0.05; Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is admitted either: for the Spearman statistical test, concluding that there is a significantly high correspondence between the strategic administration variable and student satisfaction. Which means that strategic management is strongly linked to student satisfaction in UPSC schools in Ilave branch.



In the verification of the general hypothesis of the research carried out at the UPSC in Ilave, the result indicates that the p-value is 0,000, this means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted, the relationship being direct and it is highly significant, that is, with Better strategic management will improve student satisfaction. In the verification of the first specific hypothesis of the research carried out at the UPSC in the Ilave subsidiary, the p-value is 0,000, this means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted, being the direct relationship and it is highly significant, that is, with a better formulation of strategies will improve student satisfaction. In the verification of the second specific hypothesis of the research carried out at the UPSC in the Ilave subsidiary, the p-value is 0,000, this means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted, the relationship being direct and highly significant, that is, with a Better execution of the strategies will be better student satisfaction. In the verification of the third specific hypothesis of the research carried out at the UPSC in the Ilave subsidiary, the p-value is 0,000, this means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and in the Ilave subsidiary the relationship is direct and is highly significant, that is That is, with a better evaluation of the strategies, student satisfaction will be better. All these results are valid since they were the results of the application of the questionnaires carried out to the university students.

These results coincide with the thesis of Gambetta(3), who states that strategic management is significantly related to quality service to the members of the Chamber of Commerce of Callao 2018. Likewise, it coincides with the research of Peña(4) who determined the relationship between strategic management and customer satisfaction of the company Real Plaza Huánuco with a percentage of 90 % based on the use of methods and strategies guiding the efforts of workers towards customer satisfaction.

The finding that was found when writing the article is to have found that there is influence of strategic administration on student satisfaction at the San Carlos Private University in the Ilave subsidiary.



After having carried out the review of the assumptions of both the general and specific hypotheses on strategic administration and their possible impact on the satisfaction of the student population of the San Carlos Private University in the Ilave Branch during the 2019 period, the conclusion is reached. conclusion that empirical evidence is provided in favor of the research hypothesis, by establishing the influence of strategic management on student satisfaction in the professional schools of the San Carlos Private University.

Likewise, it was confirmed that there is a direct relationship between the formulation of strategies (internal and external analysis and decision making) and the satisfaction of students in the professional schools of the San Carlos Private University. Likewise, it was recognized that there is a direct relationship between the execution of strategies (goal setting, policy setting and resource allocation) on student satisfaction in the professional schools of the San Carlos Private University. In addition, it was confirmed that there is a significant correlation between the evaluation of strategies (Analyze internal and external factors, measure the performance of the organization, take corrective measures) in student satisfaction of the professional schools of the Universidad Privada San Carlos.

It is recommended that the university should foster a good relationship between teachers and administrative workers with students so that in this way strategic management and student satisfaction can be improved in the Ilave branch of the UPSC. To the coordinators of the professional schools, do your part so that there is empathy with teachers, administrative workers and students; It is also recommended that they try to solve any problems that students may have so that students can feel more satisfied at the San Carlos Private University.



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This article was completed thanks to the support of students, teachers, administrative workers at the university, and colleagues from other universities, who collaborated to carry out the work.



The authors did not receive funding for the development of this research.



The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.



Conceptualization: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Data curation: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Formal analysis: Juan Pérez Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Acquisition of funds: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Research: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Methodology: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Project management: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Resources: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.Software: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Supervision: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Validation: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Visualization: Juan Pérez Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Writing - original draft: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.

Writing - proofreading and editing: Juan Pérez Pérez, Segundo Waldemar Rios Rios, Lesli Elilzabeth Torres Chumbiauca, Julio Wu Matta, Soledad del Rosario Olivares Zegarra, Fernando Ochoa Paredes.