doi: 10.56294/sctconf2024888


Category: Health Sciences and Medicine




Role of yogic practice influence the psychological factors in the development of women sports


Papel de la práctica yóguica en la influencia de los factores psicológicos en el desarrollo del deporte femenino


N. Sundar Raj1  *, James Zachariah2  *, M. Vijay Amirtharaj1  *, M. Prasanna3   *, P. Ranjith4  *


1Associate Professor, Saveetha School of Physical Education, Saveetha University, Chennai, India.

2Associate Professor, Madras Christian College, Chennai, India.

3Physical Director, New Prince Sri Bhavani Arts and Science College Medavakkam Chennai, India.

4Director of Physical Education, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, India.


Cite as: Sundar Raj N, Zachariah J, Vijay Amirtharaj M, Prasanna M, Ranjith P. Role of yogic practice influence the psychological factors in the development of women sports. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias. 2024; 3:888.


Submitted: 03-02-2024                   Revised: 21-04-2024                   Accepted: 10-06-2024                 Published: 11-06-2024


Editor: Dr. William Castillo-González




The involvement of women in sports in India is generally low owing to a dearth of spectator interest and inadequate coverage of women’s sports. Factors such as women’s limited access to education, societal perceptions of women in sports, self-esteem, self-confidence, menstruation abnormalities, self-image or body image, gender role orientation, and competitiveness should all be taken into account. Yoga is sometimes seen as not being a sport, although it is really a physical exercise that follows rules, can be done competitively, and has measurable outcomes. Multiple reasons contribute to the low engagement of women in sports throughout society. Family has a profound impact, often initiating early engagement in sports, although this differs according to gender. Female participation in sports is often seen unfavorably. Societal attitudes and biases are another factor that impacts sports participation. For instance, many girls refrain from engaging in certain hobbies out of concern that they would be seen as masculine. This is because societal attitudes and biases about sexuality hinder females from participating. Female athletes possess psychological traits that include gender role orientation in several sports, including wrestling, weight lifting, and bodybuilding. These activities have traditionally been deemed unsuitable for women due to the possible adverse consequences of masculinization. Intensive training contributes to the improvement of self-esteem, self-image, and body image. Engaging in athletic activities also aids in the promotion of positive body image. It enhances body contour and promotes a harmonious physique, thereby enhancing self-perception. Yoga enhances strength, flexibility, and balance, all of which are vital for athletes. The majority of yoga postures are essential for enhancing strength, improving the range of motion, mobility, and coordination in athletic performance, as well as preventing injuries.


Keywords: Attitude; Self-esteem; Self-image; Orientation.




La participación de las mujeres en el deporte en la India es generalmente baja debido al escaso interés de los espectadores y a una cobertura inadecuada del deporte femenino. Hay que tener en cuenta factores como el acceso limitado de las mujeres a la educación, la percepción que la sociedad tiene de las mujeres deportistas, la autoestima, la confianza en sí mismas, las anomalías de la menstruación, la autoimagen o la imagen corporal, la orientación de los roles de género y la competitividad. A veces se considera que el yoga no es un deporte, aunque en realidad se trata de un ejercicio físico que sigue unas reglas, puede realizarse de forma competitiva y tiene resultados mensurables. Múltiples razones contribuyen a la escasa participación de las mujeres en el deporte en toda la sociedad. La familia tiene un profundo impacto, ya que a menudo inicia el compromiso temprano con el deporte, aunque esto difiere según el género. La participación femenina en el deporte suele verse de forma desfavorable. Las actitudes y los prejuicios sociales son otro factor que influye en la participación deportiva. Por ejemplo, muchas chicas se abstienen de practicar ciertas aficiones por temor a ser vistas como masculinas. Esto se debe a que las actitudes sociales y los prejuicios sobre la sexualidad impiden que las mujeres participen. En varios deportes, como la lucha libre, el levantamiento de pesas y el culturismo, las mujeres atletas poseen rasgos psicológicos que incluyen la orientación hacia los roles de género. Estas actividades se han considerado tradicionalmente inadecuadas para las mujeres debido a las posibles consecuencias adversas de la masculinización. El entrenamiento intensivo contribuye a mejorar la autoestima, la autoimagen y la imagen corporal. Participar en actividades atléticas también ayuda a promover una imagen corporal positiva. Mejora el contorno corporal y promueve un físico armonioso, mejorando así la autopercepción. El yoga mejora la fuerza, la flexibilidad y el equilibrio, todos ellos vitales para los deportistas. La mayoría de las posturas de yoga son esenciales para aumentar la fuerza, mejorar la amplitud de movimiento, la movilidad y la coordinación en el rendimiento atlético, así como para prevenir lesiones.


Palabras clave: Actitud; Autoestima; Autoimagen; Orientación.





Several reasons contribute to the low engagement of women in sports throughout society. The following factors are: The family is a very influential social component that often plays a crucial role in initiating sports activities at home, with distinct approaches for each gender. Typically, males get more resources and assistance to promote and facilitate their involvement in sports and activities. However, females are often discouraged from participating in sporting activities. The culture of athletics is cultivated inside educational institutions, and the prestige of a school is contingent upon the achievements of both male and female athletes. Many schools lack girls’ teams in comparison to male teams in sports such as soccer, wrestling, and boxing. There is a lack of adequate provisions for female coaches and sports facilities. Cultural perceptions significantly influence the participation of women in sports. There is still a prevalent belief in many countries that women should primarily occupy the kitchen. Female engagement in sports is often seen in a negative light. The societal attitudes and biases have a substantial impact on the involvement of women in sports. Some females choose to avoid specific activities due to the concern of being viewed as masculine. The societal attitudes and biases against sexuality hinder the participation of girls. Women athletes exhibit diverse psychological features, such as gender role orientation, in sports such as wrestling, weightlifting, and bodybuilding. Sports have been deemed unsuitable for women due to the possible detrimental masculinizing effects. Competitiveness refers to the ability of an individual, organization, or country to compete effectively in a given market or industry. It involves factors such as innovation Males have a higher degree of competitiveness as compared to females. Indeed, females have a higher level of goal orientation and demonstrate exceptional performance in artistic endeavors, such as gymnastics. Assurance Female athletes have lower levels of confidence compared to their male counterparts. Sportswomen have much higher levels of confidence compared to non-sportspersons. Female athletes have lower self-esteem in compared to their male counterparts. Intensive training contributes to the improvement of self-esteem. This includes self-image and body image. Engaging in sports contributes to the improvement of one’s positive body perception. It enhances physique and promotes a harmonious bodily appearance, thereby enhancing self-perception. The sources in sports classified female athletes into nine global dimensions, which included preparation, performance, coaching, social support, psychological factors, experience, competitive advantage, trust, and self-awareness. The primary challenge faced by female athletes is failure, which is exacerbated by their high levels of tension and fear, leading to a loss of confidence during competitions.

In recently modern science the practice of yoga can enhance the human experience. Practicing yoga improves the blood flow in body warms and strengthens the muscles and improve the concentration to feel more confident, stronger, and improves metabolism and digestion. Women athletes those who are career oriented will always have their plates full of responsibilities and dreams.


General issues faced by women in sports

Funding: lack of funding when compared to men, it is difficult to compete in sports.

Gender equality: Women involved in sports do not receive the same level of respect or recognition when compared to male counterparts.

Access limited yet more expensive: Inadequate playing facilities, which could result in higher playtime costs.

Safety and transportation issues: Women require a sports facility close to their location in order to avoid risky travels.

Sex: women are monitored and judged by the way the dress and they speak.

Decreased Quality training: Quality, trained coaches are hard to find and these trainers are primarily focused on male sports.

Lack of positive role models: Peer pressure can be hard for girls at any age to participate in sports and healthy activity.

Limited media coverage: Women sports are not telecast in media so it is harder for the women players to gain recognition and sponsorship opportunities.

Pregnancy and maternity: Women often face challenges by balancing motherhood which affect the training and competing.


Psychological Factors Affecting Women Sports

The Major psychological factors that affect women sports performance are Motivation, Concentration, Confidence and Anxiety also play and contribute towards maintaining health.


How is yoga related to Psychology?

The psychological processes of yoga is to condition the habits and cognitive processes by turning the individual into more adaptive one and also to open new experience.


Yoga a psychological Therapy

Yoga is a therapeutic practice that utilizes yogic activities to enhance both mental and physical well-being. Yoga techniques are often linked to alleviating stress and are also beneficial in addressing various psychological health conditions.


Yoga a psychological Treatment

Yoga is a holistic practice that emphasizes the integration of the mind and body, with a specific emphasis on enhancing physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Yoga incorporates physical activity, mental awareness, focused contemplation, and stress reduction. The breathing exercise promotes relaxation, alleviates tension, and helps in the management of many disorders, in addition to therapy.(1)

Consistent engagement in yoga enhances bodily comfort and promotes holistic well-being by addressing both physical and mental health concerns.

·      Improves strength

·      Improves balance

·      Enhances flexibility

·      Improves breathing

·      Improves posture

·      Reduces risk of injury

·      Decreases stress levels

·      Improves performance


Sports Psychology’s Goals and Objectives

The main purpose of sports psychology is to enhance the sportsman performance of an individual. Sportsmen who possess mental abilities and techniques are better able to focus and train for improved performance under pressure during competition.(2)


Yoga a Sport or Physical Activity

Yoga, in ancient times, was regarded as a spiritual discipline that aids in addressing various mental, physical, and emotional challenges.(3) In contemporary society, individuals have begun to classify yoga as a kind of athletic endeavor that demands advanced methods and considerable physical prowess.(4)


Yoga’s Influence and Effects on Games and Sports

Engaging in yoga enhances the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels of people, even women who are involved in sports. It allows one to comprehend the significance of life beyond the outcomes of athletics and sports. Physical practices such as asana, kriyas, mudras, and pranayama help to stabilize and balance the physical exercises required for athletic activities.(5)


Yoga’s Significance in Improving Psychological Factors

Yoga significantly improves the psychological well-being of people, particularly female athletes, by lowering anxiety, anger, tension, ego fragility, guilt, and dissatisfaction.

The practice of yoga promotes a state of well-being that is rejuvenating, tranquil, and extraordinary. Asana primarily impacts the physical body, whereas pranayama enhances awareness and improves lung function via yogic exercises.(6)

Yoga may facilitate positive transformations in the lives of women engaged in sports. During the yoga training time, women athletes are educated about their bodily functions and the importance of physical and mental well-being.

It regulates the development of a cohesive personality and conduct, resulting in well-adjusted individuals with balanced traits.

Yoga aids in addressing muscle imbalances and enhances the overall efficiency of both the mind and body.

Regularly doing asanas enhances muscular strength, alleviates physical strain, and enhances focus and posture. The upright stance also enhances limb stability, strength, and relaxation, while promoting increased muscular flexibility.

Yogic practice aids players in achieving relaxation and dissipating their energy after intense gaming sessions. It enhances tranquillity and facilitates rational thinking, even in circumstances that need quick reactions. Yoga activities enhance the flexibility and strength of all muscles in the body while promoting tranquility and serenity in the mind and soul.(7,8)


Yoga Practices’ Magic

Development of deep relaxed breathing: It serves as the basis for mitigating performance anxiety, enhancing attention, and facilitating proper respiration. Consistent practice enhances the synchronization between the player’s head and body during skill training.

Enhance core strength: Yoga postures primarily focus on developing core strength. The new style of resistance training in ordinary workouts involves doing exercises that need powerful isometric contractions, resulting in slow motions.

Increase flexibility and range of motion: Yoga regimen, consisting of slow and steady flexibility exercises, is great for players looking to enhance their flexibility and range of motion. Consistent exercise improves flexibility and range of motion, alleviates muscular tension, and ultimately enhances performance for both runners and athletes.

Improve Balance: Engaging in balancing exercises is a very effective method for rectifying muscular imbalances or bodily issues. Weight training is often used in many sports to enhance muscular development via repetitive movements, whereas in others it is disregarded. Yoga has the ability to rectify this disparity.

Uses of Cross Training: Cross training is essential for athletes who consistently follow the same fitness regimen throughout the year. Engaging in new activity may aid in minimizing the risk of injury, alleviating monotony in training, and facilitating recovery from intense aerobic or strength exercises. Various yoga routines may be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the player.

Choose of many styles: There are several kinds of yoga, which include dynamic and vigorous movements between different postures. Engaging in prolonged postures at a reduced speed is a rigorous training regimen that enhances both physical stability and equilibrium.


Important for more women participation in sports

·      Physical and mental health: Sports have a beneficial influence on both physical and mental well-being, promoting increased activity levels throughout adolescence.

·      Gender equality: refers to the provision of equal chances and resources for women in sports, which will facilitate the dismantling of obstacles and promote increased involvement at a high level.

·      Economic Empowerment: Women’s involvement in athletics provides more chances for education and work, resulting in enhanced economic empowerment.

·      Social changes are brought about by women’s engagement in sports, since it alters societal perceptions about their skills, empowers them to pursue their own objectives, and demonstrates their capacity for achievement.

·      Representation of women in leadership positions, such as coaching and administration, may serve as motivation and encourage women to seek careers in sports.



Yoga and sports psychology is a fascinating field that focuses on the psychological factors that impact in the women sports performance. Varity of psychological factors that affect the women’s ability to perform at their best can be overcome by motivation, self-confidence and focus on concentration. The practice of yoga enhances the flexibility of muscles, tendons, and ligaments, allowing for a wider range of bodily movements. Additionally, it significantly improves balance and core strength, providing substantial advantages to women who participate in sports or games. Women’s involvement in sports fosters deeper and more inclusive engagement, promoting more understanding and respect across diverse societal groups.


Future steeping stones

·      Efforts should be made to swiftly enhance the cultural and societal attitudes in India to foster and endorse women’s involvement in sports.

·      The enactment of measures to enhance financing and provide more resources for female athletes.

·      Promote and establish diverse sports programs for the active involvement of young females.

·      The focus should be directed on attaining gender parity in sports participation and ensuring equitable representation in the future for the country.

·      The establishment of infrastructure, identification of sports prodigies, frequent sports competitions, and dissemination of awareness at the grassroots level.

·      In order to expedite the progress and advancement of women’s sports, let us collaborate and unite to implement a forward-thinking strategy for the promotion of women’s sports in our country.



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No financing for the article.



The author declares that there is no conflict of interest in the work.



Conceptualization: N. Sundar Raj, James Zachariah, M. Vijay Amirtharaj, M. Prasanna, P. Ranjith.

Research: N. Sundar Raj, James Zachariah, M. Vijay Amirtharaj, M. Prasanna, P. Ranjith.

Writing - original draft: N. Sundar Raj, James Zachariah, M. Vijay Amirtharaj, M. Prasanna, P. Ranjith.

Writing - revision and editing: N. Sundar Raj, James Zachariah, M. Vijay Amirtharaj, M. Prasanna, P. Ranjith.