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Marketing Campaigns in the sales of sweaters of the Gamarra Commercial Emporium, year 2022

Erlitt Espinoza-Chávez ,
Erlitt Espinoza-Chávez

Facultad de Administración y Negocios, Universidad Tecnológica

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Stephany Moya-Machaca ,
Stephany Moya-Machaca

Facultad de Administración y Negocios, Universidad Tecnológica

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Brian Meneses-Claudio ,
Brian Meneses-Claudio

Facultad de Administración y Negocios, Universidad Tecnológica

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Edgar Carmen-Choquehuanca ,
Edgar Carmen-Choquehuanca

Facultad de Administración y Negocios, Universidad Tecnológica

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Introduction: this research work focuses on analyzing how marketing campaigns are influencing the recovery of sweater sales in the Gamarra commercial emporium in 2022, highlighting the importance of these strategies for small and medium-sized companies in the sector, commercial owners and the country's economy.
Method: It is based on a basic, descriptive and correlational approach, using a non-experimental design. The hypothetical-deductive logical method is applied with a quantitative approach and a transversal cut. The population is composed of 100 micro and macro entrepreneurs of sweater sales in the Commercial Emporium of Gamarra, and the sample is 80 participants. A face-to-face survey questionnaire with Likert scale is used to collect data. The reliability of the instrument is ensured by means of Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and validity is verified through pilot tests with individuals familiar with the research topic.
Results: The results indicate that marketing campaigns have a positive influence on the sales of sweaters in the Gamarra Commercial Emporium in the year 2022. It was also found that the marketing campaigns are publicized through the advertising of sweaters in Gamarra and that sales are oriented to the target audience of the emporium.
Conclusion: Marketing campaigns have a high influence on the sales of sweaters in the Gamarra Commercial Emporium, since significant correlations were found between these variables, indicating that marketing campaigns help to increase sales and are made known through advertising, oriented to the target audience.

How to Cite

Espinoza-Chávez E, Moya-Machaca S, Meneses-Claudio B, Choquehuanca EC. Marketing Campaigns in the sales of sweaters of the Gamarra Commercial Emporium, year 2022. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 25 [cited 2024 Jun. 29];1:365. Available from:

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