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Minisala de rehabilitación para nuestros abuelos

Damarys Cabrera Mejico ,
Damarys Cabrera Mejico

Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río. Pinar del Río, Cuba

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Yamaris Mercedes Mena Cabrera ,
Yamaris Mercedes Mena Cabrera

Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río. Pinar del Río, Cuba

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Maria Isabel Acosta Martínez ,
Maria Isabel Acosta Martínez

Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río. Pinar del Río, Cuba

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Ana Margarita Valdés del Pino ,
Ana Margarita Valdés del Pino

Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río. Pinar del Río, Cuba

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Introduction: aging is a natural physiological process, but there are ways to prevent this natural wear and tear, such as geriatric rehabilitation, which guarantees healthy aging, through the practice of moderate physical activity.
Objective: to rehabilitate older adults in the Medical Office, through the practice of physical exercises, using implements made of disposable and disused materials.
Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional, innovative study was carried out. The universe was constituted by the 234 older adults of the 26th clinic of Pinar del Rio and the sample by the 33 selected by intentional sampling taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results: the most frequent chronic diseases in older adults were arterial hypertension and diabetes, while dyslipoproteinemias and arthritis were the ones with the best response to geriatric rehabilitation. All the adults were satisfied with the benefits of rehabilitation. None were hospitalized, nor did any death occur. 100 % of the patients were satisfied with the rehabilitation. 336,55 cup were saved per unit of instruments made; total of 1191,5 cup and to the country, per benefited patient 32 053,44 cup per month, total 194 336,64 cup in the studied period.
Conclusions: geriatric rehabilitation through the practice of physical exercise has beneficial effects on the life, mood and desire to live of older adults. Because of the biological, economic and social impact, this work was relevant in the Provincial Health Innovation Forum.

Cómo citar

Cabrera Mejico D, Mena Cabrera YM, Acosta Martínez MI, Valdés del Pino AM. Minisala de rehabilitación para nuestros abuelos. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 13 de octubre de 2023 [citado 29 de junio de 2024];2:509. Disponible en:

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